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On My Healing Journey - The Brain Foods I am Eating and WHY

Writer's picture: jordanswellnessjordanswellness

Updated: Jun 5, 2024

Do you struggle with memory or cognition difficulty? Do you have a family member who is or has suffered from age-related mental decline? Whatever your reason for wanting to explore healthy brain foods, I plan to take a deep dive into the foods that provide me with the most support in my brain healing and WHY these brain foods help.

Eating a square of dark chocolate for brain health
Not that you need an excuse to eat more dark chocolate, but chocolate is a healthy brain food.

I was inspired to write this post not only because I am on a healing journey and focusing heavily on different ways to support my brain's natural healing process, but I also am fascinated by the nutritional benefits of foods and I always question the most recent diet fads.

This questioning comes natural.

I was a 90s kid, so I grew up in the height of the LOW-FAT fad - low fat yogurt, skim milk, low fat cheese, low fat "insert name here" because we had it! Growing up, our fridge at home was stocked FULL of all the low-fat dairy, packaged foods like "fat-free" pretzels, and "fat-free" desserts like Italian ice.

Now, not everything was "bad" and I often hesitate to use that word with foods because food should not be labeled as "good" or "bad". I believe each food has a purpose and there are tons of healthy benefits in each whole food ingredient, but having ice cream or cookies does not make one "bad" nor does it destroy one's progress towards health.

All in all, I believe in balance.

Not to contradict myself, but I do believe different fads and the diet culture is harmful. I believe it can steer individuals to make poor decisions about food and thus, label foods incorrectly. For example, my best friend in college told me that AVOCADOS 🥑 were "bad" because they contained too much fat. Now, enter 90s kid warped thinking! This SO NOT the case, and I'll continue to preach it. To avoid entirely freaking out, luckily avocado toast is the "it" item on menus and a food people enjoy. So, I'm thankful avocados are loved again.

Naturally this inner 90s kid and relationship to food, brings me to this post and the discussion about healthy brain foods. The brain is primarily cholesterol, so we need to consume fats in order to fuel our brain. A lot of the foods that are on the list below, contain healthy fats, but these "fats" were once shied away from, especially if you were a 90s kid. But don't worry, I plan to highlight several health benefits of each ingredient, so hopefully that inner "fat-free" and "low fat" kid can relax and be put at ease. These brain foods are incredibly healing.

Here are FIVE Foods for Brain Health:

Nuts and Seeds: Okay, lets talk about Nuts & Seeds! I don't know who needs to hear this, but nuts and seeds contain INCREDIBLE health benefits, and you should NOT be scared by the "fat" on the nutrition label. Nuts and seeds are a powerhouse for the brain. Nuts contain antioxidants, omega-3 fatty acids and magnesium. Nuts help regulate our mood, blood pressure, and reduce inflammation. Seeds contain vitamins and minerals like magnesium, Vitamin E, and omega-3s to help reduce inflammation and repair damaged cells.

  • Chia Seed - loaded with antioxidants for the brain, boosts heart health, reduces inflammation.

  • Flax Seed - contains lignans which reduces risk of cancer, lowers hypertension, promotes healthy digestion, high in Omega 3 & 6 which is great for the brain

  • Sesame Seeds (black and white) - Contains the antioxidant sesamol, which reduces radiation of cells for gentle aging; thiamin for reducing anxiety and stress and oleic acid to reduce bad cholesterol.

  • Pumpkin Seeds - Full of minerals and high in zinc, helps reduce inflammation in the body and alkalizing, which detoxifies, improves bone and heart health and aids in digestion

  • Almonds - Are high in magnesium and Vitamin E & help improve memory

  • Cashews - Great source of magnesium which helps maintain muscle and nerve health, high in copper which is essential for bone metabolism, and promotes restful sleep

  • Pistachios - High in vitamin B6 which has many benefits such as; maintaining cognitive function, boosting immune system and aiding in healthy hormone levels.

  • Walnuts - Contains anti-cancer benefits from omega-3s and anti-inflammatory enzyme that blocks two genes (BRCA1 and 2), contains melatonin which normalizes circadian rhythms and is high in fiber, protein and healthy unsaturated fats

Avocados: Like I mentioned before, avocados have a higher fat and calorie content compared to other fruits, but the health benefits are amazing, especially for our brains. I'd like to change the saying, "an apple a day..." to "an avocado a day, keeps the doctor away!" Here's why:

  • Contains folate and Vitamin K which is essential for brain health and aids in reducing the risk of stroke.

  • Packed with monosaturated fats which helps balance cholesterol, supports brain health and healing, and proper blood flow.

  • Reduces risk of heart disease from nutrients like Vitamin B6 and folic acid.

  • Contains antioxidants like Vitamin C and E, phenolic and carotenoids which are anti-inflammatory and help reduce the risk of disease.

  • Additionally, a study published in Nutrients found that eating one avocado a day for six months led to improved brain cognition as a result of high levels of lutein in avocados.

Coconuts: When my husband and I traveled to Hawaii, we stopped at every fruit stand and devoured the local produce. Of course, there were so many delicious in-season fruits like mangos and star fruit, but the full coconut was incredibly hydrating and refreshing - we even enjoyed snacking on the meat for extra energy. Needless to say, coconut is a full package from the water to the meat to the oil.

  • Contains phenolic compounds which helps the body eliminate toxic substances known as free radicals that can cause inflammation and ultimately, disease.

  • Aids in boosting gut health through its fiber content and high fat content. The high fat content in coconuts aids the body to absorb fat-soluble Vitamins K, D, which is great for a diverse gut microbiome and E, and A, which is great for glowing skin.

  • Provides an alternative energy source for the brain.

  • Coconut water is incredibly hydrating and loaded with electrolytes and nutrition to replenish the body better than water.

Blueberries and Raspberries: We all know that inflammation can contribute towards aging, especially within the brain which leads to neurodegenerative diseases. These rich berry shaded fruits contain antioxidants that reduce inflammation in the body as well as reduce oxidative stress. Now, did you just go for a handful of berries or add an EXTRA LARGE scoop to your morning smoothie? Good.

  • Blueberries contain antioxidants that combats stress and inflammation, which prevents disease especially degeneration and brain cellular death.

  • There is a large about of fiber in blueberries that aids in digestive and healthy bowel movements.

  • Contains high levels of phytonutrients which equip cells with the ability to communicate better leading to strength in disease prevention.

  • The Vitamins C, E, and A, and the minerals selenium, phosphorus, and zinc aid in eye health.

  • Raspberries contain nutrients and antioxidants instrumental for heart health, cognitive function, immune system.

  • The antioxidants in raspberries - flavonoids, ascorbic acid, and ellagic acid - helps the body eliminate toxic substances known as free radicals that can cause inflammation.

  • These berries can help the brain's cognitive function and ward off neuodegenerative disorders.

  • Additionally, raspberries are full of maganese which helps the body absorb calcium and metabolize carbohydrates while also contributing to healthy bones, hormones and connective tissue.

Dark Chocolate: I am definitely a Lorelai Gilmore when it comes to chocolate. I love it in bars, baking chips, melted, baked, or drinks. My go-to dessert choice usually has chocolate. But after visiting a chocolate farm and exploring the chocolate making process from cacao pod to bar, I learned to savor each bite and truly embrace the flavor profiles. Also, I learned that not all chocolate is made equal and while I only bought the organic, vegan bars before, I have sense been even picker with my selections. So, from one chocolate lover to reader, here are some of the health benefits of chocolate:

  • It's loaded with nutrients and minerals from iron, magnesium, copper, and manganese to potassium, phosphorus, zinc, and selenium.

  • Contains high amounts of antioxidants, and like blueberries, combats stress and inflammation, which prevents disease especially degeneration and brain cellular death.

  • The flavanoids in dark chocolate may lower blood pressure and increase blood flow. It also prevents high cholesterol.

  • The flavanoids in dark chocolate also boost blood flow to the brain which can boost memory, cognition, reaction time, and attention. These flavanoids can accumulate in the hippocampus which contributes to a higher rate of learning and memory.

I hope you find this post both educational and inspiring. I think it is so wonderful that there are so many benefits in whole foods and by eating with intention, we can fuel our bodies and minds properly, and heal through food. Now, I don't mean to suggest that you can't eat that donut or cookie because we all have our favorite indulgences that nourish our inner child and treat ourselves, so please do. Though, I am suggesting to look at the ingredients and buy from a local baker or challenge yourself with a baking session to ensure the ingredients used and where they are sourced.

Most importantly, have fun and enjoy eating. Enjoy the fuel, nutrition, health benefits, and mood boost that food provides us. I hope your healing journey through food inspires a newfound joy of food, variety of foods eaten, and boost in your health and wellness.

Please comment and let me know what you think, and most importantly what you are incorporating in your diet for your own personal health and healing goals. I'd love to hear from you!

All my light. All my love.



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